Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Operations Video on YouTube Channel

   I've started on a operations video series that will eventually chronicle the operations of all trains on the N Scale Union Pacific Railroad Geneva Subdivision.  Part one is already uploaded with part two coming by this weekend.  Subscribe to the Union Pacific Geneva Subdivision YouTube channel so that you don't miss an episode.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Farm Backdrop

After putting in the cornfield backdrops last week, I decided to complete the area with a farm backdrop to go behind a laser cut barn and resin grain silo.  I scoured the internet for a farm photo that would fir the area, printed it out, laminated it, cut it out and then taped it behind the barn and silo.  To finish the area I also put in some gravel/rock around the structures and added foliage.


Sunday, October 13, 2013

Cornfields on the UPRR Geneva Subdivision

   The only way I know to do plausible cornfields on a model railroad layout is..."Photo backdrop."
   Last summer I frequented a farm road overpass of the Union Pacific mainline just west of Global III.  Its a great place to watch trains as there is pretty much no traffic on the overpass and usually quite a bit of traffic on the UP mainline.  Its also surrounded by cornfields.  I used the over pass to take numerous photos of cornfields from varying angle for later use in photo backdrops.
   Today I finally got around to printing out the photos and mounting them on the backdrop between Franklin Grove and Global three.  I am pretty happy with the way they turned out.  Eventually I will use the same technique all along Global II and into Rochelle.

   In the first area I used Akeem Models brass corn rows that I salvaged from the old layout.  There are about five rows of the brass corn with the photo of actual corn behind it. 

 Here's the before pictures.

Just west of that is a farm.  I plan to use a photo of an actual farmstead behind the barn and silo. 

Here are the rest of the cornfield photo backdrops.

 Video coming soon!!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Saftey First

Putting some finishing touches at the Proviso Yard.  Using my computer I put together some safety slogans to match those present at the prototype Proviso Yard.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

More Progress on the Proviso Crossover Walkway

I was able to finish all three stair sets for the crossover stairs at Proviso.  The stairs that came with the kit did not quite reach the walkway so I had to order some additional stairs that were long enough to reach.  With the structure itself complete, I still need to add the safety slogans to the walkway.  "STOP THINK POST?" and "Is It In The Clear?"

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Trailer Offices for Proviso Yard

I used a couple of TrainCat 40ft Construction Trailer kits to put some more yard offices  in proviso yard.  Also included is s prototype photo of one of the trailers in Proviso.  The kits went together pretty well.  Took about 5 hours total including painting and installation on the layout.  A fun Saturday afternoon.  Now I'm off to watch some football.  Go Chiefs!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

New Video

A new video has been added to the UPRR Geneva Sub YouTube channel.  Check it out.